A Generational Family Farm
Through the years the farm has seen changes in crop type, livestock, and even name. Unchanged is the unyielding connection between the family and the land we have stewarded for over 150 years. We are proudly continuing a family tradition on this Ohio recognized Sesquicentennial Farm.

Although the farm has been in the family for generations, Susanne and Gonzalo had the opportunity to return to the land and begin their own chapter in 2014. Since then we have focused on using natural and regenerative practices to improve the soil and increase the quality of the produce they raise. After years of dreaming about farming full time, Gonzalo left working off-farm to open 'the stand' in 2021. Our priority since that time has been to offer healthy, fresh local food that is sustainably raised in a way that will ensure the health of the land for future generations. Over the years this has expanded to include berries, vegetables, eggs and pasture raised meat. We love talking about farming and the plants and animals we raise, so feel free to ask us about it!

Produce and Meat Raised Regeneratively
Regenerative agriculture is a style of farming that focuses on improving soil health. On our farm that includes use of cover crops, minimization of tilling, amendment of the soil with natural composts, avoidance of synthetic fertilizers and herbicides/pesticides, and rotational grazing of animals. Our goal is to provide a product that is healthy for both the consumer and the environment.