Our Livestock
We are currently home to a small herd of Red Devon breeding cattle and laying hens. Dependent on the season you may also find broiler chickens and hogs on the farm.

The Red Devon cattle are a heritage breed that first came to the United States with the pilgrims in 1623. They are well known for being hardy, docile and having excellent meat quality in grass fed systems. Our beef is born and raised on farm, maintained on grass through a rotational grazing system.
Egg Layers
Our laying hens are a mix of breeds that lay brown colored eggs. Our chickens are maintained on pasture, moved regularly to fresh grass and are supplemented with grain.

Our pasture pork is raised from weanling pigs that we then allow to grow and thrive in a pasture based system. They are supplemented with leftovers from the garden and grain.
Our meat chickens are Cornish Rock crosses that come to us as day old chicks (the post office loves to deliver the peeping box!). They are raised in a 'chicken tractor' where they are moved to fresh pasture every day along with given supplemental feed.